Branch Bot

a soft, caterpillar-inspired, branch crawling robot

Branch Bot is a biomimetic soft robot designed to study caterpillar locomotion. It has three soft passive grippers and two springy body segments. It is actuated using offboard motor tendon systems which connect to the robot using Bowden cables. The motor tendon system are controlled to act like muscles. The robot’s soft body allows it to crawl along branches using the same gait it uses for straight dowels. At the time of publication, Branch Bot was one of the fastest branch/tree climbing soft robots.

A video of the tethered version of branch bot crawling horizontally, vertically, and on branches.

Later as part of my MS Thesis I made Branch Bot untethered by moving the control, power, and actuation onboard. As a part of this process I designed and manufactured a simple closed loop motor control unit which did position control on two DC motors and received inputs over I2C.

The untethered version of Branch Bot

Associated Publication

  1. Passive gripper inspired by Manduca sexta and the Fin Ray® Effect
    Crooks, Whitney, Rozen-Levy, Shane, Trimmer, Barry, Rogers, Chris, and Messner, William
    International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems Jul 2017
  2. The design and development of Branch Bot: a branch-crawling, caterpillar-inspired, soft robot
    Rozen-Levy, Shane, Messner, William, and Trimmer, Barry A
    The International Journal of Robotics Research Jan 2021